I can understand where you are coming from, even though I take a different view. To me, voting is not a moral act, but a strategic one. I vote for the candidate most likely to get the nation where I think it should go. So my votes are not love letters but chess moves. I will sacrifice this or that piece if necessary to get to checkmate, because the priority is pinning the king and winning the board.
So I'll vote for Kamala Harris--indeed, I already have--and should she make it into the White House, I will push her administration for better gender policy.
(Admittedly. Trump being an egotistical, incurious, avaricious, unqualified lout made my decision even easier, but that's another matter.)
As a lifelong liberal (small 'l') and LGBw/oTQ Dem voter I've voted for Trump for the reasons Ben cited re the 'trans' lunacy and 'trans' identified' males supplanting women's and LGBs' sex-based rights -'transgenderism' is misogynist and homophobic. Trump is not anti-gay his issue is w/ the men pretending to be women supplanting women's rights. And I don't believe he is a threat to democracy-that's 'fear porn' to keep Ds in the cult.
The economy was better under Trump as was containing illegal immigration and other issues that matter to me. As a member of the LGB cohort I also have to buy groceries and gasoline and want to be safe in my community.
Well said! I agree 1000%. I fear what will happen with the trans ideology if Democrats have power for another 4 years, the children and women who will be irreversibly harmed.
I also agree. The Democrats have fiercely stuck with the "No debate" point of view on this topic, and I don't have any optimism that they will suddenly be willing to listen to people who point out the harm this is doing to women and the LGB community. We will simply continue to be dismissed, deamplified, and outright censored as phobes and bigots.
The Skrmetti case now before SCOTUS should decide the issue re 'states having the right to ban 'transing' minors. As for minors & vulnerable adults harmed by the vile 'trans' mutilation interventions my hope is that enough 'detransitioner' lawsuits will cause insurers of doctors and hospitals/clinics to exclude coverage for those interventions such that the risks will be too great to continue offering those interventions. The Cass Review, the WPATH Files and the two suppressed studies (one from Johns Hopkins) essentially showed no evidence to justify 'transitioning' interventions. And since 'transing' interventions are cosmetic people should have to pay out of pocket for them as they would any other such procedures.
Importantly there should be no legal protection for pretending to be the opposite sex-that's fraud and deception. People can dress how they like but no official documents should be falsified to reflect a fraud on the public.
I am genuinely curious as to how you will do this “pushing” of her administration, should she win. Any thoughts on what we (whether we vote for her or not) could be doing?
It's my view that, in general, a president gets done what Congress allows her to get done, so I try to stay in touch with my congresspeople and let them know how I feel about this or that proposed policy. Same for my state and local officials, who most of the time have more control over these issues than whoever happens to be in the Oval Office.
Most importantly, I keep in mind that this stuff is almost always the slow boring of hard wood. The ship of state is not a speedboat but an oil tanker, and those don't turn on a dime. You've got to not only act but keep acting, over and over, until you get what you want. Conservatives did that with Roe vs. Wade, and we can do it, too.
Somehow it managed to turn on a dime when it comes to denying sex, treating puberty like a disease and criminalizing parental and institutional safeguarding of kids. They want this. This is who they are.
It's not just the Dems, but who their donors and big influencers are. Until we get super $ out of American politics (and that's just the start), expect the same BS from both parties. Any political and popular culture so heavily based in money and consumerism is bound to fail its citizens eventually. We've been failing children and the working poor for decades. None of the current mess surprises me in the least, though it's still tragic.
Yes, politics is a long-game. Look at how successful the Federalist Society has been over the last 30 years. In my opinion, persistent engagement is the strategy, not opting-out.
In fact, I'd argue that opting out makes your vote less valuable to Democrats, and not more so.
Many people like the idea of "punishing" their own parties by withholding votes, but politics just doesn't work that way. You gain influence within a party by supporting its candidates, not by walking away when you dislike a specific candidate or party position. In fact, storming off just demonstrates you aren't a reliable Democrat, and you will thus receive LESS attention than before. So, to gain more influence over the Democratic Party's attitude towards gender policy, you want to vote for it more often, not less.
I understand your point, but one can argue just as well that as long as one keeps voting for a party, even if grumbling, it won't feel a need to change course.
I don't *know* which approach works better, I've not seen any research, so mostly people just follow their hunches.
AND - they don't know how you voted anyway, so if you think writing to legislators as a Democratic voter will help get their attention, go ahead even if you sat out the presidential ballot or voted for the other party.
Since I live in a state where the presidential outcome is very foregone, my voting is just symbolic anyway.
After a half century of voting, it's clear to me that Democrats will forever wave the right to an abortion in front us to demand our vote. Ruth Bader Ginsburg repeatedly told us to codify the right to an abortion because Roe v Wade was a very weak SC decision. Three times we've given Democrats a trifecta, both sides of Congress and the presidency. The most recent was Obama claiming he'd get it done. But he deliberately waited until Republicans had taken back the House, then blamed our Dems' inability to codify that right on the big bad Republicans. They think we're stupid.
This year, millions of women will vote against their own interests by selecting Harris. I will log a protest vote against the woman who will continue to destroy women's rights and further damage our children with publicly funded puberty blockers, irreversible surgeries and lifelong addiction to opposite sex hormones. Your vote for Harris ensures that they do NOT have to make changes we want. You are literally giving them your approval by handing them your vote.
Here's a radical tip: It does no good to hold your nose and vote for a candidate who opposes your rights. It's better to get the person you can more easily fight. Take US support of Israel for example. Both Trump and Harris will ensure that Israel continues to get the $1.5 million dollars per day that the Biden Administration gives them. Everyone who votes for either of them is personally responsible for the murder of innocent people.
When Kamala Harris supports Palestinian genocide, the Left won't fight her. But when Trump supports it, the Left will throw a fit. They'll fight him tooth and nail. They'll protest, they'll demand an end to genocide. They'll do what liberals SHOULD do. But if Kamala is in office, they will meekly offer excuses for the same behavior that Trump would have done, funding Israeli murderers. (I'm Jewish, BTW. We don't all support an ethnic state led by a sociopath.)
Stop pretending Kamala Harris will work in your interests. She won't. We're better off with the less slick, obnoxious jerk running the country so that 50% or more of Americans (the Dems) will fight him. Otherwise that 50% will automatically support Harris/Walz's destruction of women's rights, transing of gay and lesbian kids, the continuation of murder and genocide by Israel, the next war for profit, etc. And while we're busy arguing over the right to an abortion, our right to privacy, safety and dignity in a public shower and the right to female sports, no one's taking time to look behind the curtain at Democratic wars for profit and other nefarious things our party does. That's exactly what they want.
Millions will vote for Kamala while pretending she isn't who she is. That's a foolish thing to do. Because after she wins, they'll be desperately supporting her again, having chosen her. If you think Harris is being coy about male transgender oppression of women so that she could save the day after we elect her, her choice of Walz should have convinced you your assessment was wrong. Follow the money. She's backed by transitioning profiteers, war profiteers and worse.
You get what you vote for. I will be able to tell my grandkids that I didn't vote for either the despicable pig Trump or our nation's historic first female president who drove the last nail into the coffin of women's rights.
R politicians don’t want our daughters to have the option for abortion. D politicians put their clout behind a process that sterilizes our children. Luckily my ballot never arrived so I don’t have to vote for either. I voted D for prez since 1988.
Trump has been demonized and persecuted and I consider a vote for him as strategically
essential to correct the excesses of the left. The corporate media have lied about him thereby losing their credibility-they are propagandizers and political hacks not journalists. We are fortunate to be citizens of the USA and we can't take our good fortune for granted.
Oh, nobody needs to sell me on opposition to gender ideology; I read a lot about the topic and I am already a subscriber to Ben Ryan's Substack. There you are preaching to the converted. I just don't think voting for a corrupt, chaotic, and thoroughly criminal candidate is a good solution.
“And all signs suggest that a Harris administration would just be more of the same.” Like her choice of running mate? Minnesota may be the one state that rivals California on the gender insanity front.
Should she win, our best hope is for gridlock (a Republican-controlled Senate). Not for the first time am I grateful for the checks and balances in our system, such as they still are.
I'll be voting for a Republican Senator tomorrow, for the first time, to try to get us to that gridlock! And whatever else people have to say about Trump (and what I have said my own self, in my formerly "woke" life), I am so fucking thankful for the SCOTUS he (and Mitch McConnell, woah) put in place just b/c of this insanity.
I hate the Left on gender, so I get it, but if you think you can cast a feminist vote for Trump, I just don’t know what to say. That seems like a paradox.
I think the Dems have realized adopting the progressive viewpoint is a losing proposition. So there is some hope that things are changing. If Trump is elected, however, that will certainly supercharge the insanity of the Left and gender insanity may actually make a comeback in the form of Resistance 2.0.
Like another commenter, I believe voting is strategic, not moral, choice. I want to see gender identity ideology die off. Trump winning does not accomplish that in any way. Better to keep a divided house (voting R down ballot when needed) and try and fight within the Democratic Party for gender sanity. There are just too many other issues at stake - democracy, for example.
I think it makes sense that a feminist would prioritize the rights of girls and women that are being violated by trans activists. Also, exactly what rights did Trump strip women of during his first term?
I think we can all agree with RBG that Roe was poor case law and that the constitution does not provide any federal protection for abortion. I'm all for legislation to protect women's right to terminate a pregnancy, but it should be done through law, not fiat.
Yes, Roe did indeed spring directly from the jurisprudence of the contraceptives case, Griswold v. Connecticut and its laughable, contemptible result based on the "penumbras" and "emanations" of the Bill of Rights. The issue of overruling it after 50 years of our being accustomed to it is, however, entirely different . To be sure, it's a question of prudence, not Constitutional interpretation, and the Court is poorly positioned to be making such decisions. Its standing in the public's opinion was already pretty poor. Roe and now its overrule did not help.
What Trump said about the end of Roe is one of the two or three sensible things he's ever said. Sadly, both parties rejected the opportunity presented to state legislatures to enact reasonable, widely accepted legislation. Some of the turmoil was entirely predictable, but who could have foreseen that both parties would adopt the position of its most extreme faction?
An interesting note about RBG: although she did ultimately vote in favor of the Obergefell case, there are reports she seriously considered dissenting because of fear that such a revolutionary change would provoke controversy as bad if not even worse than what followed Roe and just as damaging to the Court's standing with the public.
What about the latest 'identity' litmus test pick of a black woman who could not or would not define what a woman is? And speaking of men who are not women this news (that most of us already knew) just came out confirming the cheating male boxer in the most recent Olympics was in fact a male.
I thought Biden should have just gone on and made the appointment without his advance announcement. He'd still have gotten the credit from his target audience. As it was, trying to milk it for a little more publicity backfired. He certainly didn't do the appointee any favor.
I thought he should have appointed someone who was the most qualified instead of based on her 'identity' as a black woman b/c she will have the taint of having been chosen on that basis only. There are women who are better qualified he could have chosen.
Let me be clear, I will NEVER ever vote for a party that does not believe that sex is real, material and fundamental to our rights as women and girls. The Democrats had my vote since I was able to cast a ballot. If they lose my vote, it's on them.
I also believe democracy is at stake. That's why I'm voting against the party that tried to keep its opponents off the ballot in various states; that sued to keep opponents who had dropped out of the race ON the ballot in others; that installed a candidate without voter input; that has manipulated its primary process and disenfranchised voters in now 3 elections; that has fought every attempt to ensure that voting is restricted to citizens of the country.
I am also pro-choice. That is why I'm voting against the party that strung me and other women along for 5 decades, refusing to codify Roe v. Wade -- despite having at least 3 opportunities to do so -- in a way that would have permanently protected our right to abortion rather than keeping the topic alive as a way to manipulate and tie us permanently to the party. Again and again, the Democrats used our (reasonable) fear to prevent us from straying from the fold, but without doing anything lasting to make us safe (and lose the issue). They have been no better for us than the Republicans, and the damage they've done to us will be lasting. And the damage the gender insanity is doing to us -- erasing us in law as a distinct sex class, eliminating our ability to fight against sex-based discrimination, and actively putting women and girls in harm's way in prison cells, shelters, rape support groups, changing rooms, sports fields, and more -- will impact every woman of every age and in every aspect of her life. Reproductive rights are critical for women, but I believe the rights, protections, and opportunities we are losing on the alter of gender insanity are going to prove even greater and more impactful to us.
"I think the Dems have realized adopting the progressive viewpoint is a losing proposition."...in an election year.
No prominent Dem has repudiated a single word of Social Justice dogma, from opening the border to gender replacing sex to the racial classification of every person, place or thing, living or dead—these are their sacred beliefs and they will be back to pursuing them publicly in a week or 2, no matter who wins.
Progressives are about 8% of voters. They had an outsized influence in the Democratic Party and now their power is waning. The majority of Dems don’t believe the crazy nonsense, though they were certainly captured (or held hostage) by it for too long.
Harris ran way to the center during her campaign. And yes, in an election year. She is trying to win votes by adopting centrist positions. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. That’s exactly what I want politicians to do. If she veers left after getting elected she will get whooped in the midterms. I doubt she will, however, because she is following the political winds, and they are blowing towards the center. If we elect Trump, they’ll blow towards both extremes, and that will be partly your doing if you vote for the mendacious narcissist at the head of the GOP.
Dems are turning away from the lunatics of the Left while Republicans are embracing the lunatics of the right, even electing one as their leader. Why would I reward a party for embracing extremism over the one becoming less extreme, even if it was later than I would have liked?
There is only one vote towards centrist politics and it ain’t Trump. I realize that might not be your goal, but it’s mine. I think it’s the only way back from the insanity of both political poles.
"if you vote for the mendacious narcissist at the head of the GOP"
lol i would never vote for either of those clowns—unless it was to put them in a pillory and pelt them w rotten fruit.
religion is much stronger than politics and Social Justice is the first great faith of the 21st century. Way less than 8% of Romans were Christians in 100AD but by 400 they all were...it's not the quantity but the zeal of the believers, their place in the social hierarchy and the power of the sacred.
All our descendants except a few weird outliers will be "woke" in another generation or 2 (or 3). They may even burn Kamala votive candles.
I noticed your handle. #Metoo! Also mom of daughter captured by the gender culture, her therapists saying her developmentally normal adolescent anxiety would be cured by having her breasts removed. Anyone who says this doesn't deserve to be within 100 miles of any child, let alone be making policy that promotes this sick Megele-like perversion. I was a Democrat, but now am a staunch Conservative and will not vote for Harris/TamponTimWalz.
I think we've passed peak gender ideology. If you read the comments in any NYTimes article about this topic, you'll see like 95% of the comments are pro-biological sex. The number of people pretending that sex is something you can change is dropping quickly.
Many of you seem to have forgotten that the majority of us do not live in battleground states, so our votes or lack of votes for president will not change the outcome, but they can send a message. I voted for a write-in candidate that shares my values, including on gender. If I lived in a battleground state, I’m not sure what I would have decided to do. I probably wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to vote for Harris, as I fully share Ben‘s feeling of disgust for the way the Democratic Party has handled gender issues. The Biden administration’s rewrite of Title IX was absolutely egregious. Meanwhile, I am in touch with incarcerated women in my state who have had to share their cells with violent fully-intact male inmates, some of whom have sexually harassed and assaulted them. If Trump wins, there is at least a chance that he will reverse some of these horrible policies. That said, I’m not sure I could have brought myself to vote for him either.
I hope your message is received by other democrat voters. In the UK (I used to mostly vote Labour) I spoiled my ballot paper, along with many other Left wing women, and wrote ‘protect my sex to get my x’. I send it to various Labour MPs. We currently have a health minister, who has read the Cass report and seems to be acknowledging the harms to children and women. He’s also gay. The hard evidence demonstrates in the UK that the harmed teens are mostly same sex attracted. I’ve told family members in the US that there are many gay organisations who are horrified by gender ideology, but they don’t believe me. They tell me it’s just a young v old thing, and I haven’t caught up! Also that because I don’t believe TWAW I’m extreme. So the US seems very captured. What you are doing here is vitally important. I hope you are being heard.
I see the Democrats as having been victims of a psyops.
It began w "teeny tiny number, just wanting to pee in safety" narrative.
Then rapidly bolstered as an 'identity' by medical associations like WPATH, APA w/ DSM rejigger, and AAP Rafferty statement (all totally false).
ACLU went all-in. WHO & UN went all in. Amnesty Int, Universities, Social services in blue states all in. Education all in.
If you are a Dem politician you're supposed to listen to AAP and ACLU and what therapists say... You will think you are getting "science." (Remember, even Pediatricians are incredibly misled on the merits of this issue and have never heard of Cass report as was clear at the AAP conference.)
But, horribly, these entities all lied.
My worry in laying this fiasco at feet of Democrats is we stop looking for the ultimate puppeteers... the ones who *authored the psyops.* Who picked on mentally ill kids and the symptoms of developmental trauma to grow the ideation. Who bribed, bought, finessed, used lawfare, authored style guides, and spent BILLIONS...
Ultimate villains could be foreign &/or domestic bad actors trying to implode the whole project of the West / liberal enlightenment. "Gender" is ATTACKING democrats to discredit us.... with this terrible, false, ginned up IDEA that makes us harm kids, gays, and women, in the name of helping them.
I think it's a mindwar salvo, designed to help autocracy
I'm 100% with you, Ben. I am also a lifelong Democrat & feel exactly the same! ...and being from Boston, I know that Harris will easily win my state, so it makes it a bit easier for me to cast this protest (no) vote!
What an appallingly terrible choice we have this cycle?! Not my president.
You are overreacting to distorted misperceptions. The misperception is that the Democratic party is pushing transgender orientations. That really is exaggeration, and it is a position that is pushed by conservative extremists. As another 'sissy boy' and another Ben, let me tell you, girlfriend: Snap out of it! Put on your big boy pants and your big girl panties and vote. Hold your nose if you have to. You can't let that orange menace anywhere near the White House again.
Overreacting??! You do know that Walz made his state a "trans sanctuary" , right? If that' not trans agenda pushing and not tyrannical, than I don't know what is.
Exactly. I live in California -- also a "trans sanctuary" state that not only now refuses to respect relevant custody orders issued in other states but believes it has the right to remove children from parents who object to their child (many of them autistic or suffering mental health comorbidities) from going on sterilizing puberty blockers or undergoing irreversible mutiliating surgeries. Parents, who know and care about their children and their children's histories better than the state ever could or will.
All the more reason to vote. And Minnesota is not a "Trans sanctuary" whatever the f that is. The law won't get in the way of parents and children making decisions for themselves.
We already have several instances of parents losing custody and visitation rights over exactly this, where parents are not allowed to weigh in on brutal surgeries that no minor can give informed consent on. We have malpractice lawsuits by Cristina Hineman, Chloe Cole, Prisha Moseley, Jane Doe in Madison Wisconsin. Why would the Dems ignore the studies coming out of Sweden, Finland, Germany and the UK, with such devastating negative results in the long term examinations, that they've put the brakes on minor "transitioning" and now provide physio and psychotherapy. Whatever the F are you writing on this when you are so uniformed? Look up all the studies at SEGM.org
There are too many of us who have kids who were victims to gender industrial complex to say we don't exist. Walz and the democrats are the real menace. It needs to stop now. No more children or women harmed by gender ideology.
It is in no way an exaggeration that the Democratic Party and the nonprofits associated with it are changing laws, guidelines and curricula to erase sex-based rights and reinforce sex-based stereotypes that lead to longterm harm, sterilization and sexual dysfunction. The Dems have betrayed women and children and are undeserving of my vote.
Read Proposal 1 on the New York state ballot. It uses "reproductive rights" already in NY state law since 2019, to sneak in "gender identity" and "gender expression" as phrases to be enshrined in the New York state constitution. This is cooked up exactly by Democrats. The same Dems who kicked Maud Maron out of a slot on the Dem ticket after she declared she supports female athletes to have our own teams without males on them. They literally banned her from Dem local politics. Dems are absolutely pushing trans ideology.
Agree. Politicians are responding to what they are being told by clinicians. That is where you need to be focused. Trump was at a rally yesterday saying he wouldn’t mind if people shot the members of the press covering his rally. American presidents do not talk like that! People, please snap out of it and vote for a normal person for president and then get back on your podcasts and write your columns about your views on gender etc.
Democrats have gone far beyond a good faith "following the science". They are passing laws and policies to keep secrets from parents, criminalize providers that do not affirm, equate parental noncompliance with abuse, put men in women's prisons and pay for their sex changes, and more. Check out blue state laws and Biden's executive orders. The bar should be pretty damn high if you want to start treating puberty like a disease and saying sex is a construct.
I don't understand why Trump is always the one blamed for the divisiveness we see today. Trump didn't do anything to warrant the accusations of racism & bigotry in 2015 when he ran on the Republican ticket against Hilary. Accusations of racism, bigotry, & hatred from Democrats towards Republicans is classic Democrat strategy. In 2012 Mitt Romney was likened to a Nazi by Obama & Biden told a crowd of black Americans that Romney "would put them back in chains".
The divisiveness in this country blew up before Trump came onto the scene. It started to be noticable during Obama's 2nd term. When he started demonizing the country, ridiculing religious conservatives as "clinging to their guns & Bibles", & sending the IRS after Tea Party supporters. Obama fed the flames of racial unrest when he said "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon" & when he said "the Boston police acted stupidly" after arresting a black Harvard professor trying to break into his home when he didn't have his key.
I just think blaming Trump for dividing the country when all he did was run for office is misguided & missing the forest for the trees. I mean everyone hates on Trump bc of his rhetoric & bc of how divisive everyone believes he is, & yeah sure, he says things ppl don't like. But, he didn't start it & he hasn't followed through on anything that could be seen as divisive. In response to attacks on him, his character, his family, his business he says things. He's a bull shitter. But when he became President he DIDN'T go after Hillary. He didn't try to send the DOJ after her. But Democrats spent his entire term going after him.
The division you all speak of when looking at Trump is coming from inside the house. If there wasn't so much vitriol coming from the other side Trump would not have anything to react to & could instead focus on the actual issues ppl care about... So as the mother of 2 young daughters I am voting for Trump & down ticket Republican. The current Democrat party does not care about the things I care about. Kamala Harris is so focused on women's right to abortion & cares nothing about women's spaces. The current Democratic party believes protecting "democracy" is more important than freedom of speech. They've convinced people to question an election is a threat to democracy... So what does that mean for an election they have questions about? Is no one allowed to challenge questionable rule changes? The Democratic party has conflated "democracy" w "Democratic power" & I believe that is what they want to protect. And they seem willing to do so at any cost.
Totally agree with you Brittney! I am doing the same since the woke gender cultists attempted to amputate my daughter. Luckily the non-profit Gays Against Groomers helped our family tremendously. We owe them so much!! Everyone should look them up on Instagram/X and support their work.
It's hard to tell if this is legit or a parody of what passes as current liberalism.
If anyone has abandoned anyone, it's the Dems abandoning women and demonizing men. Just look at how they have swept aside women's rights to private spaces and their own sports.
Consider also the risk created for women and girls by flooding the country with 15 to 20 million unvetted people who are only coming for the freebies and in many cases to exact revenge. How many have to be murdered before you decide it's a problem.
Have you also not noticed how the Dems have weaponized every part of government against ordinary citizens?
Voting like a radical doesn't mean supporting the lesser of two evils - it means picking the opponent that you're best suited to win the fight against. Not voting isn't going to make your point nor serve those who aren't currently being represented - please reconsider voting and electing the opponent you have the best chance of changing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2CHfqJ3I5w
I can understand where you are coming from, even though I take a different view. To me, voting is not a moral act, but a strategic one. I vote for the candidate most likely to get the nation where I think it should go. So my votes are not love letters but chess moves. I will sacrifice this or that piece if necessary to get to checkmate, because the priority is pinning the king and winning the board.
So I'll vote for Kamala Harris--indeed, I already have--and should she make it into the White House, I will push her administration for better gender policy.
(Admittedly. Trump being an egotistical, incurious, avaricious, unqualified lout made my decision even easier, but that's another matter.)
As a lifelong liberal (small 'l') and LGBw/oTQ Dem voter I've voted for Trump for the reasons Ben cited re the 'trans' lunacy and 'trans' identified' males supplanting women's and LGBs' sex-based rights -'transgenderism' is misogynist and homophobic. Trump is not anti-gay his issue is w/ the men pretending to be women supplanting women's rights. And I don't believe he is a threat to democracy-that's 'fear porn' to keep Ds in the cult.
The economy was better under Trump as was containing illegal immigration and other issues that matter to me. As a member of the LGB cohort I also have to buy groceries and gasoline and want to be safe in my community.
Well said! I agree 1000%. I fear what will happen with the trans ideology if Democrats have power for another 4 years, the children and women who will be irreversibly harmed.
I also agree. The Democrats have fiercely stuck with the "No debate" point of view on this topic, and I don't have any optimism that they will suddenly be willing to listen to people who point out the harm this is doing to women and the LGB community. We will simply continue to be dismissed, deamplified, and outright censored as phobes and bigots.
The Skrmetti case now before SCOTUS should decide the issue re 'states having the right to ban 'transing' minors. As for minors & vulnerable adults harmed by the vile 'trans' mutilation interventions my hope is that enough 'detransitioner' lawsuits will cause insurers of doctors and hospitals/clinics to exclude coverage for those interventions such that the risks will be too great to continue offering those interventions. The Cass Review, the WPATH Files and the two suppressed studies (one from Johns Hopkins) essentially showed no evidence to justify 'transitioning' interventions. And since 'transing' interventions are cosmetic people should have to pay out of pocket for them as they would any other such procedures.
Importantly there should be no legal protection for pretending to be the opposite sex-that's fraud and deception. People can dress how they like but no official documents should be falsified to reflect a fraud on the public.
I am genuinely curious as to how you will do this “pushing” of her administration, should she win. Any thoughts on what we (whether we vote for her or not) could be doing?
It's my view that, in general, a president gets done what Congress allows her to get done, so I try to stay in touch with my congresspeople and let them know how I feel about this or that proposed policy. Same for my state and local officials, who most of the time have more control over these issues than whoever happens to be in the Oval Office.
Most importantly, I keep in mind that this stuff is almost always the slow boring of hard wood. The ship of state is not a speedboat but an oil tanker, and those don't turn on a dime. You've got to not only act but keep acting, over and over, until you get what you want. Conservatives did that with Roe vs. Wade, and we can do it, too.
Somehow it managed to turn on a dime when it comes to denying sex, treating puberty like a disease and criminalizing parental and institutional safeguarding of kids. They want this. This is who they are.
It's not just the Dems, but who their donors and big influencers are. Until we get super $ out of American politics (and that's just the start), expect the same BS from both parties. Any political and popular culture so heavily based in money and consumerism is bound to fail its citizens eventually. We've been failing children and the working poor for decades. None of the current mess surprises me in the least, though it's still tragic.
No: it felt like that because it was well orchestrated and long planned. It didn't turn on a dime, but it was an inside job by design.
Yes, politics is a long-game. Look at how successful the Federalist Society has been over the last 30 years. In my opinion, persistent engagement is the strategy, not opting-out.
In fact, I'd argue that opting out makes your vote less valuable to Democrats, and not more so.
Many people like the idea of "punishing" their own parties by withholding votes, but politics just doesn't work that way. You gain influence within a party by supporting its candidates, not by walking away when you dislike a specific candidate or party position. In fact, storming off just demonstrates you aren't a reliable Democrat, and you will thus receive LESS attention than before. So, to gain more influence over the Democratic Party's attitude towards gender policy, you want to vote for it more often, not less.
I understand your point, but one can argue just as well that as long as one keeps voting for a party, even if grumbling, it won't feel a need to change course.
I don't *know* which approach works better, I've not seen any research, so mostly people just follow their hunches.
AND - they don't know how you voted anyway, so if you think writing to legislators as a Democratic voter will help get their attention, go ahead even if you sat out the presidential ballot or voted for the other party.
Since I live in a state where the presidential outcome is very foregone, my voting is just symbolic anyway.
After a half century of voting, it's clear to me that Democrats will forever wave the right to an abortion in front us to demand our vote. Ruth Bader Ginsburg repeatedly told us to codify the right to an abortion because Roe v Wade was a very weak SC decision. Three times we've given Democrats a trifecta, both sides of Congress and the presidency. The most recent was Obama claiming he'd get it done. But he deliberately waited until Republicans had taken back the House, then blamed our Dems' inability to codify that right on the big bad Republicans. They think we're stupid.
This year, millions of women will vote against their own interests by selecting Harris. I will log a protest vote against the woman who will continue to destroy women's rights and further damage our children with publicly funded puberty blockers, irreversible surgeries and lifelong addiction to opposite sex hormones. Your vote for Harris ensures that they do NOT have to make changes we want. You are literally giving them your approval by handing them your vote.
Here's a radical tip: It does no good to hold your nose and vote for a candidate who opposes your rights. It's better to get the person you can more easily fight. Take US support of Israel for example. Both Trump and Harris will ensure that Israel continues to get the $1.5 million dollars per day that the Biden Administration gives them. Everyone who votes for either of them is personally responsible for the murder of innocent people.
When Kamala Harris supports Palestinian genocide, the Left won't fight her. But when Trump supports it, the Left will throw a fit. They'll fight him tooth and nail. They'll protest, they'll demand an end to genocide. They'll do what liberals SHOULD do. But if Kamala is in office, they will meekly offer excuses for the same behavior that Trump would have done, funding Israeli murderers. (I'm Jewish, BTW. We don't all support an ethnic state led by a sociopath.)
Stop pretending Kamala Harris will work in your interests. She won't. We're better off with the less slick, obnoxious jerk running the country so that 50% or more of Americans (the Dems) will fight him. Otherwise that 50% will automatically support Harris/Walz's destruction of women's rights, transing of gay and lesbian kids, the continuation of murder and genocide by Israel, the next war for profit, etc. And while we're busy arguing over the right to an abortion, our right to privacy, safety and dignity in a public shower and the right to female sports, no one's taking time to look behind the curtain at Democratic wars for profit and other nefarious things our party does. That's exactly what they want.
Millions will vote for Kamala while pretending she isn't who she is. That's a foolish thing to do. Because after she wins, they'll be desperately supporting her again, having chosen her. If you think Harris is being coy about male transgender oppression of women so that she could save the day after we elect her, her choice of Walz should have convinced you your assessment was wrong. Follow the money. She's backed by transitioning profiteers, war profiteers and worse.
You get what you vote for. I will be able to tell my grandkids that I didn't vote for either the despicable pig Trump or our nation's historic first female president who drove the last nail into the coffin of women's rights.
R politicians don’t want our daughters to have the option for abortion. D politicians put their clout behind a process that sterilizes our children. Luckily my ballot never arrived so I don’t have to vote for either. I voted D for prez since 1988.
lol, as though the T supports women's rights. He supports the male's right to rape.
Trump has been demonized and persecuted and I consider a vote for him as strategically
essential to correct the excesses of the left. The corporate media have lied about him thereby losing their credibility-they are propagandizers and political hacks not journalists. We are fortunate to be citizens of the USA and we can't take our good fortune for granted.
Hi Tracker Neil, this may help you see why Ben is doing what he is doing:
Oh, nobody needs to sell me on opposition to gender ideology; I read a lot about the topic and I am already a subscriber to Ben Ryan's Substack. There you are preaching to the converted. I just don't think voting for a corrupt, chaotic, and thoroughly criminal candidate is a good solution.
“And all signs suggest that a Harris administration would just be more of the same.” Like her choice of running mate? Minnesota may be the one state that rivals California on the gender insanity front.
Should she win, our best hope is for gridlock (a Republican-controlled Senate). Not for the first time am I grateful for the checks and balances in our system, such as they still are.
Yes, PhDBiologistMom, my husband tried to cheer me up with the mention of a Republican-controlled senate.
The president will also have a lot on her/his plate regarding foreign policy.
I'll be voting for a Republican Senator tomorrow, for the first time, to try to get us to that gridlock! And whatever else people have to say about Trump (and what I have said my own self, in my formerly "woke" life), I am so fucking thankful for the SCOTUS he (and Mitch McConnell, woah) put in place just b/c of this insanity.
Agree except it’s bad enough that I will be actively casting my feminist vote against Harris.
I hate the Left on gender, so I get it, but if you think you can cast a feminist vote for Trump, I just don’t know what to say. That seems like a paradox.
I think the Dems have realized adopting the progressive viewpoint is a losing proposition. So there is some hope that things are changing. If Trump is elected, however, that will certainly supercharge the insanity of the Left and gender insanity may actually make a comeback in the form of Resistance 2.0.
Like another commenter, I believe voting is strategic, not moral, choice. I want to see gender identity ideology die off. Trump winning does not accomplish that in any way. Better to keep a divided house (voting R down ballot when needed) and try and fight within the Democratic Party for gender sanity. There are just too many other issues at stake - democracy, for example.
I think it makes sense that a feminist would prioritize the rights of girls and women that are being violated by trans activists. Also, exactly what rights did Trump strip women of during his first term?
Appointing only new Supremes who had passed a litmus test on abortion.
I think we can all agree with RBG that Roe was poor case law and that the constitution does not provide any federal protection for abortion. I'm all for legislation to protect women's right to terminate a pregnancy, but it should be done through law, not fiat.
Yes, Roe did indeed spring directly from the jurisprudence of the contraceptives case, Griswold v. Connecticut and its laughable, contemptible result based on the "penumbras" and "emanations" of the Bill of Rights. The issue of overruling it after 50 years of our being accustomed to it is, however, entirely different . To be sure, it's a question of prudence, not Constitutional interpretation, and the Court is poorly positioned to be making such decisions. Its standing in the public's opinion was already pretty poor. Roe and now its overrule did not help.
What Trump said about the end of Roe is one of the two or three sensible things he's ever said. Sadly, both parties rejected the opportunity presented to state legislatures to enact reasonable, widely accepted legislation. Some of the turmoil was entirely predictable, but who could have foreseen that both parties would adopt the position of its most extreme faction?
An interesting note about RBG: although she did ultimately vote in favor of the Obergefell case, there are reports she seriously considered dissenting because of fear that such a revolutionary change would provoke controversy as bad if not even worse than what followed Roe and just as damaging to the Court's standing with the public.
What about the latest 'identity' litmus test pick of a black woman who could not or would not define what a woman is? And speaking of men who are not women this news (that most of us already knew) just came out confirming the cheating male boxer in the most recent Olympics was in fact a male.
I thought Biden should have just gone on and made the appointment without his advance announcement. He'd still have gotten the credit from his target audience. As it was, trying to milk it for a little more publicity backfired. He certainly didn't do the appointee any favor.
I thought he should have appointed someone who was the most qualified instead of based on her 'identity' as a black woman b/c she will have the taint of having been chosen on that basis only. There are women who are better qualified he could have chosen.
I must have missed that executive order...
This is a perfect example of a low information voter.
LOL Are you serious?
Let me be clear, I will NEVER ever vote for a party that does not believe that sex is real, material and fundamental to our rights as women and girls. The Democrats had my vote since I was able to cast a ballot. If they lose my vote, it's on them.
I also believe democracy is at stake. That's why I'm voting against the party that tried to keep its opponents off the ballot in various states; that sued to keep opponents who had dropped out of the race ON the ballot in others; that installed a candidate without voter input; that has manipulated its primary process and disenfranchised voters in now 3 elections; that has fought every attempt to ensure that voting is restricted to citizens of the country.
I am also pro-choice. That is why I'm voting against the party that strung me and other women along for 5 decades, refusing to codify Roe v. Wade -- despite having at least 3 opportunities to do so -- in a way that would have permanently protected our right to abortion rather than keeping the topic alive as a way to manipulate and tie us permanently to the party. Again and again, the Democrats used our (reasonable) fear to prevent us from straying from the fold, but without doing anything lasting to make us safe (and lose the issue). They have been no better for us than the Republicans, and the damage they've done to us will be lasting. And the damage the gender insanity is doing to us -- erasing us in law as a distinct sex class, eliminating our ability to fight against sex-based discrimination, and actively putting women and girls in harm's way in prison cells, shelters, rape support groups, changing rooms, sports fields, and more -- will impact every woman of every age and in every aspect of her life. Reproductive rights are critical for women, but I believe the rights, protections, and opportunities we are losing on the alter of gender insanity are going to prove even greater and more impactful to us.
"I think the Dems have realized adopting the progressive viewpoint is a losing proposition."...in an election year.
No prominent Dem has repudiated a single word of Social Justice dogma, from opening the border to gender replacing sex to the racial classification of every person, place or thing, living or dead—these are their sacred beliefs and they will be back to pursuing them publicly in a week or 2, no matter who wins.
Progressives are about 8% of voters. They had an outsized influence in the Democratic Party and now their power is waning. The majority of Dems don’t believe the crazy nonsense, though they were certainly captured (or held hostage) by it for too long.
Harris ran way to the center during her campaign. And yes, in an election year. She is trying to win votes by adopting centrist positions. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. That’s exactly what I want politicians to do. If she veers left after getting elected she will get whooped in the midterms. I doubt she will, however, because she is following the political winds, and they are blowing towards the center. If we elect Trump, they’ll blow towards both extremes, and that will be partly your doing if you vote for the mendacious narcissist at the head of the GOP.
Dems are turning away from the lunatics of the Left while Republicans are embracing the lunatics of the right, even electing one as their leader. Why would I reward a party for embracing extremism over the one becoming less extreme, even if it was later than I would have liked?
There is only one vote towards centrist politics and it ain’t Trump. I realize that might not be your goal, but it’s mine. I think it’s the only way back from the insanity of both political poles.
"if you vote for the mendacious narcissist at the head of the GOP"
lol i would never vote for either of those clowns—unless it was to put them in a pillory and pelt them w rotten fruit.
religion is much stronger than politics and Social Justice is the first great faith of the 21st century. Way less than 8% of Romans were Christians in 100AD but by 400 they all were...it's not the quantity but the zeal of the believers, their place in the social hierarchy and the power of the sacred.
All our descendants except a few weird outliers will be "woke" in another generation or 2 (or 3). They may even burn Kamala votive candles.
Good luck tomorrow!
I noticed your handle. #Metoo! Also mom of daughter captured by the gender culture, her therapists saying her developmentally normal adolescent anxiety would be cured by having her breasts removed. Anyone who says this doesn't deserve to be within 100 miles of any child, let alone be making policy that promotes this sick Megele-like perversion. I was a Democrat, but now am a staunch Conservative and will not vote for Harris/TamponTimWalz.
My daughter is now 100% desisted, 100% TERF and at 18 years-old, a newly registered Republican.
Wow! Big success! So happy to hear this.
I think we've passed peak gender ideology. If you read the comments in any NYTimes article about this topic, you'll see like 95% of the comments are pro-biological sex. The number of people pretending that sex is something you can change is dropping quickly.
I think it's still a minority
But the news stories the last few weeks are getting a lot more people aware that thos is not medicine.
The thing about the abortion issue is that it's not a federal issue-it has gone to the states.
I also.
Many of you seem to have forgotten that the majority of us do not live in battleground states, so our votes or lack of votes for president will not change the outcome, but they can send a message. I voted for a write-in candidate that shares my values, including on gender. If I lived in a battleground state, I’m not sure what I would have decided to do. I probably wouldn’t have been able to bring myself to vote for Harris, as I fully share Ben‘s feeling of disgust for the way the Democratic Party has handled gender issues. The Biden administration’s rewrite of Title IX was absolutely egregious. Meanwhile, I am in touch with incarcerated women in my state who have had to share their cells with violent fully-intact male inmates, some of whom have sexually harassed and assaulted them. If Trump wins, there is at least a chance that he will reverse some of these horrible policies. That said, I’m not sure I could have brought myself to vote for him either.
I hear you Ben. There are so many of us in this position.
Well said Ben. Thank you for articulating my feelings and that of so many others.
I hope your message is received by other democrat voters. In the UK (I used to mostly vote Labour) I spoiled my ballot paper, along with many other Left wing women, and wrote ‘protect my sex to get my x’. I send it to various Labour MPs. We currently have a health minister, who has read the Cass report and seems to be acknowledging the harms to children and women. He’s also gay. The hard evidence demonstrates in the UK that the harmed teens are mostly same sex attracted. I’ve told family members in the US that there are many gay organisations who are horrified by gender ideology, but they don’t believe me. They tell me it’s just a young v old thing, and I haven’t caught up! Also that because I don’t believe TWAW I’m extreme. So the US seems very captured. What you are doing here is vitally important. I hope you are being heard.
I totally agree, the Transing of kids and vulnerable people seems to be very homophobic, today's gay conversion therapy. Let kids be kids!
I see the Democrats as having been victims of a psyops.
It began w "teeny tiny number, just wanting to pee in safety" narrative.
Then rapidly bolstered as an 'identity' by medical associations like WPATH, APA w/ DSM rejigger, and AAP Rafferty statement (all totally false).
ACLU went all-in. WHO & UN went all in. Amnesty Int, Universities, Social services in blue states all in. Education all in.
If you are a Dem politician you're supposed to listen to AAP and ACLU and what therapists say... You will think you are getting "science." (Remember, even Pediatricians are incredibly misled on the merits of this issue and have never heard of Cass report as was clear at the AAP conference.)
But, horribly, these entities all lied.
My worry in laying this fiasco at feet of Democrats is we stop looking for the ultimate puppeteers... the ones who *authored the psyops.* Who picked on mentally ill kids and the symptoms of developmental trauma to grow the ideation. Who bribed, bought, finessed, used lawfare, authored style guides, and spent BILLIONS...
Ultimate villains could be foreign &/or domestic bad actors trying to implode the whole project of the West / liberal enlightenment. "Gender" is ATTACKING democrats to discredit us.... with this terrible, false, ginned up IDEA that makes us harm kids, gays, and women, in the name of helping them.
I think it's a mindwar salvo, designed to help autocracy
Bravo!!! Beautifully said Laura!!
I'm 100% with you, Ben. I am also a lifelong Democrat & feel exactly the same! ...and being from Boston, I know that Harris will easily win my state, so it makes it a bit easier for me to cast this protest (no) vote!
What an appallingly terrible choice we have this cycle?! Not my president.
You are overreacting to distorted misperceptions. The misperception is that the Democratic party is pushing transgender orientations. That really is exaggeration, and it is a position that is pushed by conservative extremists. As another 'sissy boy' and another Ben, let me tell you, girlfriend: Snap out of it! Put on your big boy pants and your big girl panties and vote. Hold your nose if you have to. You can't let that orange menace anywhere near the White House again.
Overreacting??! You do know that Walz made his state a "trans sanctuary" , right? If that' not trans agenda pushing and not tyrannical, than I don't know what is.
Exactly. I live in California -- also a "trans sanctuary" state that not only now refuses to respect relevant custody orders issued in other states but believes it has the right to remove children from parents who object to their child (many of them autistic or suffering mental health comorbidities) from going on sterilizing puberty blockers or undergoing irreversible mutiliating surgeries. Parents, who know and care about their children and their children's histories better than the state ever could or will.
All the more reason to vote. And Minnesota is not a "Trans sanctuary" whatever the f that is. The law won't get in the way of parents and children making decisions for themselves.
We already have several instances of parents losing custody and visitation rights over exactly this, where parents are not allowed to weigh in on brutal surgeries that no minor can give informed consent on. We have malpractice lawsuits by Cristina Hineman, Chloe Cole, Prisha Moseley, Jane Doe in Madison Wisconsin. Why would the Dems ignore the studies coming out of Sweden, Finland, Germany and the UK, with such devastating negative results in the long term examinations, that they've put the brakes on minor "transitioning" and now provide physio and psychotherapy. Whatever the F are you writing on this when you are so uniformed? Look up all the studies at SEGM.org
There are too many of us who have kids who were victims to gender industrial complex to say we don't exist. Walz and the democrats are the real menace. It needs to stop now. No more children or women harmed by gender ideology.
Yes. And too many trans widows.
It is in no way an exaggeration that the Democratic Party and the nonprofits associated with it are changing laws, guidelines and curricula to erase sex-based rights and reinforce sex-based stereotypes that lead to longterm harm, sterilization and sexual dysfunction. The Dems have betrayed women and children and are undeserving of my vote.
Read Proposal 1 on the New York state ballot. It uses "reproductive rights" already in NY state law since 2019, to sneak in "gender identity" and "gender expression" as phrases to be enshrined in the New York state constitution. This is cooked up exactly by Democrats. The same Dems who kicked Maud Maron out of a slot on the Dem ticket after she declared she supports female athletes to have our own teams without males on them. They literally banned her from Dem local politics. Dems are absolutely pushing trans ideology.
Agree. Politicians are responding to what they are being told by clinicians. That is where you need to be focused. Trump was at a rally yesterday saying he wouldn’t mind if people shot the members of the press covering his rally. American presidents do not talk like that! People, please snap out of it and vote for a normal person for president and then get back on your podcasts and write your columns about your views on gender etc.
Democrats have gone far beyond a good faith "following the science". They are passing laws and policies to keep secrets from parents, criminalize providers that do not affirm, equate parental noncompliance with abuse, put men in women's prisons and pay for their sex changes, and more. Check out blue state laws and Biden's executive orders. The bar should be pretty damn high if you want to start treating puberty like a disease and saying sex is a construct.
You people are something else.
I don't understand why Trump is always the one blamed for the divisiveness we see today. Trump didn't do anything to warrant the accusations of racism & bigotry in 2015 when he ran on the Republican ticket against Hilary. Accusations of racism, bigotry, & hatred from Democrats towards Republicans is classic Democrat strategy. In 2012 Mitt Romney was likened to a Nazi by Obama & Biden told a crowd of black Americans that Romney "would put them back in chains".
The divisiveness in this country blew up before Trump came onto the scene. It started to be noticable during Obama's 2nd term. When he started demonizing the country, ridiculing religious conservatives as "clinging to their guns & Bibles", & sending the IRS after Tea Party supporters. Obama fed the flames of racial unrest when he said "if I had a son he'd look like Trayvon" & when he said "the Boston police acted stupidly" after arresting a black Harvard professor trying to break into his home when he didn't have his key.
I just think blaming Trump for dividing the country when all he did was run for office is misguided & missing the forest for the trees. I mean everyone hates on Trump bc of his rhetoric & bc of how divisive everyone believes he is, & yeah sure, he says things ppl don't like. But, he didn't start it & he hasn't followed through on anything that could be seen as divisive. In response to attacks on him, his character, his family, his business he says things. He's a bull shitter. But when he became President he DIDN'T go after Hillary. He didn't try to send the DOJ after her. But Democrats spent his entire term going after him.
The division you all speak of when looking at Trump is coming from inside the house. If there wasn't so much vitriol coming from the other side Trump would not have anything to react to & could instead focus on the actual issues ppl care about... So as the mother of 2 young daughters I am voting for Trump & down ticket Republican. The current Democrat party does not care about the things I care about. Kamala Harris is so focused on women's right to abortion & cares nothing about women's spaces. The current Democratic party believes protecting "democracy" is more important than freedom of speech. They've convinced people to question an election is a threat to democracy... So what does that mean for an election they have questions about? Is no one allowed to challenge questionable rule changes? The Democratic party has conflated "democracy" w "Democratic power" & I believe that is what they want to protect. And they seem willing to do so at any cost.
Totally agree with you Brittney! I am doing the same since the woke gender cultists attempted to amputate my daughter. Luckily the non-profit Gays Against Groomers helped our family tremendously. We owe them so much!! Everyone should look them up on Instagram/X and support their work.
It's hard to tell if this is legit or a parody of what passes as current liberalism.
If anyone has abandoned anyone, it's the Dems abandoning women and demonizing men. Just look at how they have swept aside women's rights to private spaces and their own sports.
Consider also the risk created for women and girls by flooding the country with 15 to 20 million unvetted people who are only coming for the freebies and in many cases to exact revenge. How many have to be murdered before you decide it's a problem.
Have you also not noticed how the Dems have weaponized every part of government against ordinary citizens?
You want four more years of this?
Check out Di-Ag.org
I voted 3rd party at the top. I'm in a state where that will make no difference. I did vote for lower level races where candidates from
both parties had shown signs of moderation and for non partisians.
Voting like a radical doesn't mean supporting the lesser of two evils - it means picking the opponent that you're best suited to win the fight against. Not voting isn't going to make your point nor serve those who aren't currently being represented - please reconsider voting and electing the opponent you have the best chance of changing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2CHfqJ3I5w
Voting is a privilege of living in a democratic society. It's that simple. It's insipid to think and act otherwise. 👎